How Are Smartphones Recycled?

ShredTronics will help you safely get rid of your old cell phones

Mobility and accessibility are key components of how our modern digital world operates. As a result, personal and company cell phones are necessary to keep things flowing smoothly. Unfortunately, this also means these devices are doorways to sensitive personal information.

Large numbers of cellphone users upgrade their devices yearly, leaving copies of critical data in their old phones. That’s why properly disposing of them is so important. Proper disposal and recycling of cellphones is one method of protecting yourself and others from unauthorized access to this data.

If you’re ready to learn how to properly dispose of your smartphones and other electronics, we’ve written a helpful guide to get you started.

A Step-By-Step Guide to Smartphone and Electronics Disposal

It’s one thing to know you need to recycle your electronics. It’s another thing entirely to know the steps involved. But we’re here to help with our step-by-step guide to the process of electronics disposal.

Step One: Electronics Collection

First, electronics are collected and bundled in preparation for recycling. These electronics can include laptop computers, desktop computers, air conditioners, hard drives, monitors, and, of course, smartphones. Some employers set up corporate electronics recycling plans to make this process easier for their employees. For individuals, this is a step you’ll likely do on your own.

Step Two: Electronics Transport

The next step is to get your electronics to a trusted facility for recycling. One great option is ShredTronics. We have numerous locations available for you to drop off your smartphone and other electronics for recycling. We also provide mail-in options and periodic or recurring pickup services to make it as easy and convenient as possible.

Step Three: Electronics Shredding

Once your electronics have arrived at your chosen facility, they undergo a shredding process. This process may start with manually breaking down the devices to separate the pieces for the next step.

Step Four: Electronics Sorting

After devices are broken down, the pieces are separated out into bins. This is a necessary step to ensure each unique part undergoes a separate recycling process. Any hazardous components are also separated during this step. The remaining components are separated into different categories for recycling.

Step Five: Dust Removal Process

You might be able to see it yourself, but  smartphones and other electronics can accumulate a significant amount of dirt, dust, and grime. This can complicate the recycling process, so all electronics undergo a dust separation process.

Step Six: Ferrous Separation Process

The ferrous (or magnetic) metals within each  device are separated during the next step in the process. This is done using a powerful magnet that separates the metal from the plastic components within shredded devices.

Step Seven: Hydraulic Glass & Plastic Separation Process

The next step deals with the glass components of a device. Because glass and plastic require different recycling processes, they must be separated. This is accomplished with a safe and efficient water-based separation system.

Step Eight: Electronics Meltdown Preparation

As the final step, the separated pieces are cleaned up — this includes removing paint, rust, and other substances that can interfere with the recycling process. The purified material is then melted down.

How to Streamline Electronics Recycling

If you struggle with the safe and effective disposal of electronics, you’re not alone. Outdated devices and obsolete equipment that you don’t use tends to end up thrown in basements, store rooms, attics, and landfills. Once there, they sit wasting valuable space and leaving valuable information vulnerable to damage or unauthorized access. To avoid this, individuals can establish a preferred electronics recycling partner like ShredTronics and make a plan to regularly offload old electronics.

For employers, developing a corporate electronics recycling plan can help employees be more proactive about outdated and obsolete devices. If you’re not sure where to start, here’s a quick rundown of the important parts of a corporate electronics recycling plan:

  • Find an electronics recycling partner: No recycling plan is complete without a safe disposal method for phones and other devices that you’ve collected. ShredTronics supports clients with periodic pickups and mail-in services.
  • Guideline for disposal: It’s key to set guidelines around when corporate assets are eligible for disposal. Guidelines will help ensure old smartphones and electronics are disposed of properly. It can also help avoid the early destruction of electronic devices that could still be used.
  • Establish collection points: Choosing collection points will help avoid ambiguity about where outdated phones and electronics should be stored. The collection point locations should strike a balance between ease of access and security. This balance encourages their use while protecting the information they may still hold.
  • Communicate with employees: Once guidelines and collection points are established, it’s crucial to communicate these to your employees. This communication should happen when onboarding new employees and should also be repeated anytime the guidelines are updated.
  • Start with goals: Try setting up a “zero electronic waste” program for each of your departments. This program’s goal is to remove all existing pre-existing and future electronic waste. Doing so can help your organization catch up on electronics recycling.

With a solid electronics recycling plan in place, you’ll have more space and peace of mind knowing your devices are being properly disposed of.

How to Choose the Right Electronics Recycling Partner

When you entrust the disposal of your devices to a recycling partner, it’s important to make the right choice. Ensure you select a company with a reputation for reliable and effective recycling practices. ShredTronics has a history of connecting individuals and organizations with professionals who are known for their trustworthiness and happy customers.

ShredTronics is dedicated to the safe and effective recycling of electronics. Our providers specialize in devices carrying sensitive information. Wiping data from the collected electronics is the first step in their process. We only partner with companies dedicated to environmentally safe processes that adhere to local, state, and federal regulations.

Start an Electronics Recycling Plan With ShredTronics Today

If you’re ready to experience the comfort and security of having your phone and electronics disposal plan in place, call ShredTronics today. Our team of experts will work with you to establish a plan for properly disposing of and recycling your old electronics. We’ll start by assessing your company and then determine which of the programs we offer best suits your needs. Get started today by calling our offices at (844) 648-4908.

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